Turning 1 – Celebrate this momentous occasion with professional First Birthday Photos!

  • By Julie Ewing

First Birthday Photos – 12 months old – Photo Shoot!

Your cute little one is turning ONE!!  

This blog article will help you decide what style of portraits you would love to have.  First Birthday Photos that will capture your 1-year-old at their cheekiest!


First Birthday Photos are FUN and a very special milestone to capture!

I bet you are wondering where the year has gone? 

It probably feels like only yesterday you were holding your newborn in your arms, now that baby has grown so much, what an adorable little person they have become!


Your little one is now likely to be crawling, standing holding onto something sturdy, even walking.  Yes, some are running!

Not all babies are walking by their first birthday.  Every child’s development differs, so don’t worry if your baby is not walking yet.

It doesn’t matter if they are, or not at this stage, you will still want to have professional portraits done around their first birthday!

It is time to capture this fantastic milestone in their lives.

First Birthday Photos Black and white

Many now have their first few teeth, others a mouth full of them!

Celebrating your baby’s first birthday can be done in multiple ways, recording this time in your lives is not only fun but will be something your family will look back at for many years to come.

There are multiple scenarios and questions to consider when having 1-year-old photos done.

  • What feel/styling would you like this session to have?
  • What environment will best suit your child’s personality?
  • Do you prefer the feel created from an indoor studio shoot?
  • or prefer an outdoor photoshoot?
  • Do you like the idea of a themed shoot?
  • Are there any special outfits you want your child photographed in?
Our unique outdoor studio is ideal for a child of this age, as there is a range of backdrops and multiple outdoor props.  From 12 months old and beyond, children love exploring outside, especially if they are comfortable standing holding onto something, or have already started walking (many of the photos below are taken in our outdoor studio).

Are there special outfits you want your child photographed in?

A christening outfit, a special gift from Grandma, a tulle tutu (you just happened to buy online), maybe the first birthday party cute little outfit that must be included in the shoot.


1 year old photo Lifeworks Photography


Perhaps you want a cake smash shoot?

If you think you would prefer a Birthday themed shoot, we advise booking your session a few days after your child’s first birthday party, so they are not exhausted after so much attention and excitement.  This also works really well as you can bring in any special birthday outfits, a few of the party props, such as balloons etc.  We find many families love to bring in a cupcake or special cake to create havoc with. This is always great fun, yes it’s likely to get messy! What a fun way to celebrate your little one’s first year.

1 year old photo


First Birthday Photos, cake smash at Lifeworks Photography


Something timeless more your style? 

Let us know what ideas you have. A session can focus on showing them just as they are, naturally inquisitive and full of love.


1 year old photo Lifeworks Photography


Wishing to involve the family?


Family portraits can be done at any time, but when your child turns one is a great time.  Usually your child will be dressed in a special outfit you have brought with you.   A family portrait is a beautiful way to celebrate all those special relationships. Thinking about what you will all wear and planning a little will result in portraits you will love all that little bit more! Nothing dates a photo more than fashion and bad haircuts!

Keep it simple is our favourite motto, simple styles, simple lines, simple colour palettes and tones. Unless of course, you are a colourful character, we will create something to suit your tastes no matter what they are!


Sitter Session! Asian baby boy by Lifeworks Photographyasian family photography session

When selecting what to wear, you do not have to match, but a similar theme works the best. Dress as if you are going to the same place, eg. all casual or all dressy. Break it up a little with some variation, eg. all in jeans (denim has been around for years and always works well) similar toned shirts, eg. lighter to medium or medium to darker tones (not t-shirts unless all very trim as they tend to hug the body) add in a scarf or accessory, sleeves of some style are preferred as women always comment on their arms, armpits do not photograph well and bra straps always peek out of singlet tops. AVOID a mix-mash of patterns, checks, stripes and florals, as this becomes too busy and distracting. One person on a pattern, that works with the other colours is fine, especially if that person is the centre of attention!


A mix of 3-4 colours can work well. eg. blues, whites, beige and red. There are so many combinations, Pinterest is great for ideas, I have created some here:




Children can be photographed at all ages.  There are a few decisions that need to be made before your little one’s 1-year-old photo session.  Discussing your likes, ideas with me can really help you decide on a photoshoot that satisfies both your wants and needs. I will customise your shoot to suit your needs.   

Contact number is 03 9482 2006.

Lifeworks photography has been operating since 1992 and is based in Northcote, Melbourne.  To find out more and see more of our work, please visit our website Kids and Family Gallery


I hope that this has helped you with what to expect when having your 1-year-old photographed.  I would love to hear from you with any other questions you may have regarding a session at Lifeworks Photography. 


Please fill out the contact form. or call me on 9482 2006 

I hope to chat soon and organise a fun 1-year-old session for a special little person in your life.



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