Baby photography: what to expect at 3 months

  • By Julie Ewing

In the first of our articles on newborn photography, we look at what to expect, and to consider, at a photography session for a child approximately 3 months old.

3 months is an exciting age!  Your child is more animated and likely to be able to hold their head steady. They may also have better hand, leg and arm co-ordination.  These are exciting milestones for your child which can be captured forever!

1. You know your child better than anyone

We understand that every child’s development is slightly different.  If you have your heart set on the pushing up tummy shot and your child is not yet able to push themselves up (mini pushups) waiting a few more weeks may be advised.  Your baby will tire easily when doing this and may need to be propped up using a bean bag or blankets to help them, we have these here at the studio to make sure they are as comfortable and safe as possible.  We believe children can be photographed at every age, however, as photographers we are limited only by your child’s capabilities. If you are wanting photographs of your child unassisted and bearing their own body weight completely, we advise you read our next blog on what to expect when photographing 6 months and older children.  It may be that the type of imagery you are wanting, will be more achievable when your child is slightly older.

2.  The Smile

Capturing that great big smile is magical!  Your child’s smiles are likely to be held for only a split second, so a photographer with fast reactions is a must. Children of this age smile in recognition of your face or voice, usually as close as arms length, so close up images work well for this age group.

Note: someone will be required to be holding or in very close proximately to your child at all times.  Your child safety is the most important thing during a photography session.


3. Single settings work best

At 3 months old your child has a limited attention span.  They tire easily when stimulated, so multiple positions or setups, may not be possible. We always advise parents to start with their most preferred setup and go from there.  Each child differs in their capabilities, and as such, the window of opportunity can be limited.

4. Take hunger out of the equation

A great tip if your child has finished the first setup or outfit is to give them a top up of milk, this can really help keep them happy for longer.

5. Clothing

Less clothing means you can really capture this super cute phase.

A cute nappy cover is recommended as they tend to kick their legs about, so this makes it better to catch great expressions whilst maintaining modesty.

That said, if you have a special outfit given to you by friends or family, it’s possible to capture this too.  Your child is most-likely growing so fast at the moment, it won’t be long before those special outfits are outgrown. Having a photo as a record of your youngster in it is a great thankyou gift.


6. Consider your preferred photographic style

Our trademark style – Jigsaw® is a real favourite with our clients who have children photographed at 3 months of age and beyond.  This style captures all those cute details as well as including some really expressive facial closeups.  Many families choose our Jigsaw® trademark style based on the simplicity of the collage, as well as the design.  Feedback shows, this style results in timeless art pieces that highlight the similarities and unique differences between siblings at the same age.


7. Family matters

Family portraits can be created at any time, however, you know best your baby’s temperament. Babies that tire quickly will soon call a halt to being passed around, and this is fairly typical of little ones around 3 months of age. They are still in eat, play, sleep mode and will often become unhappy fairly quickly if fussed over too much. Babies love receiving cuddles from their parents, so consider more intimate cuddling images at this time, soothing and relaxing, rather than the full family photo and being passed amongst the relatives. These beautiful images will have provide you with an everlasting memory of this special time.


We hope that this has been an informative blog about what to expect when getting your 3 month old photographed.  We would love to hear from you with any other question you may have regarding a session with Lifeworks Photography.

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